Sunday, March 1, 2009

Casa Buonarotti e il Ufizzi

Michelangelo's crib-
My small group for Humanities was assigned to the casa Buonarotti. It doesn't seem to special on the outside, but just remember that it did house one of the most important geniuses in the world...
Being me, I got in trouble by the over zealous guard...I took a picture of Michelangelo's shoes...I turned the flash off, but apparently ( the guard physcially made me go and look at the sign) there is a sign on a wall somewhere that prohibits all photography... whooops. :) so now I have an illegal picture of a self portrait, and some shoes... ( sometimes Michelangelo worked so hard and for so long that when he took his shoes off when he finished his art, his skin would come off just like a sock--sick)It was kind of confusing, I mean the lay out of the house. The english signs didn't explain the art very well. All I know is that I saw some parts of Michelangelo's drawings and designs! that was awesome...and I was in the same house that he lived in! Most of the art wasn't Michelangelos unfortunatly. It was neat to see where he studied and pulled away to (his sanctuary).

the Ufizzi

I LOVE MUSEUMS!!! call me what you will(nerdess)but the museums are my favorite! The Ufizzi is beautiful and is ORGANIZED! The Medici family built the Ufizzi for office buildings, but changed their mind (thank goodness) and created the greatest art gallery of all time. All the red carpet italian artists are featured there, and it over looks the beautiful Ponte Vecchio. I saw so much..its so hard for me to remember! but dont worry its all in my moleskin. My favorite works were by Barcacci- the birth of Venus and Spring- painted in a time where unreligous art was very uncool. The paintings are so much more than color on canvas.

i love art

too bad my skills dont go past hearts and peace signs..

Gotta go study for il esame italiano

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